March in the Parade
Everyone must be registered in order to march in the parade it starting at 2:00 and the lineup for the parade is at 1:00 at Ann Street Memorial Park in Milford.
Community organizations include such as sporting clubs, scouting organizations, dance groups, local schools, civic organizations, military organizations, and police and fire departments. They will need to fill out an application with us and if they choose to have a float, they need to describe it as well. Unit name, Unit Type, Unit mode of travel (ie, truck, car, walking, float), number of participants and contact name address, phone number, and email.
Businesses are $100.00 to march.
St. Patrick’s Day Parade Rules and Regulations-Milford Borough 2025:
The Parade Committee strives to ensure the parade is safe and enjoyable for everyone.
The parade will commence promptly at 2:00 pm on Sunday, 3/16/25 from Ann Street Park. All marching units should plan to arrive at 1:00.
All marching units should have ONE banner identifying the unit. US, Pennsylvania, and Irish flags only are strongly encouraged. No other flags are permitted.
NO ALCOHOL is allowed in the parade. No cups or glassware are allowed in the parade and no eating or drinking except for bottled water is permitted.
Each unit shall be responsible for the conduct of all its participants.
Candy may be handed out, NOT THROWN, by units marching on foot. Nothing shall be thrown from mechanized floats or vehicles.
Mechanized vehicles must have at least one person walking on each side for safety purposes.
The driver of any vehicle must be a qualified, licensed driver 21 years of age or older. All vehicle entries must be covered by liability insurance.
Marchers who hold political office are permitted to participate as a unit to represent the office they currently hold, not as a candidate for any office. Political candidates can march with any unit they are affiliated.
No campaign buttons, signs, or apparel advertising for any political candidate or for a political cause is permitted in the parade route.
The Parade Committee reserves the right to exclude from participation any unit at any point in the parade route if they violate the rules and regulations of the parade.